Food Backpack for Kids

Together, No Child Will Go Hungry

Our News

Continued support

Thank you Ladies of the Elks and Ada Grange for your valuable continued support of Food Backpack for Kids!  

Beyond Food: How Food Backpack For Kids Can Nourish Students’ Self-Esteem

Introduction: School days are filled with laughter, learning, and friendship. Yet hidden amongst the sea of bright faces, there are children silently battling food insecurity. Hunger and malnutrition not only affect their physical growth but also their emotional and...
Generous Donations

Generous Donations

We’re thrilled to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Three Rivers Casino$15,000, Florence Elks $3,000, and Windermere $500, for their recent donation to Food Backpack for Kids. We appreciate their generosity and support as we strive to empower young minds and ensure...

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